Tip: Topic Ideas
You can check out the 'Quick Start' section located on the top left side bar of our site. Topics such as those are welcome!
Ranked/Becoming Legend related, Fundamentals/Deck Building, Arena
Here are also some topic ideas that you are welcome to write about on HSP.
Meta Reports
Example (By Tempostorm)
Deck Building Guides
Deck Guides
If you are writing a full on deck guide, be sure to include the following sections:
- Introduction
- General Strategy
- Card Choices - Identify key cards and how to use them. The combos.
- Substitutions - For those with a lesser collection. If the cards can't be substituted, go ahead and state it.
- Tech Choices - How to add/remove certain cards against Aggro/Control etc.
- Match-ups / Mulligans - When talking about mulligans, just state which cards to keep in a list form (and not hidden in a paragraph) so users can refer to it easier
- Ladder Experiences - How far up the ladder, what was your personal experience like with the deck etc. How many games played. Please make sure the deck is viable for climbing to Legend.
- Closing
You must also have a good understanding and experience with the deck. Piloting it all the way to Rank 4 is usually a good enough signal. Or if you're very comfortable with the deck and know others have achieved Legend with it.
You can also write shorter deck guides if there is something new or different about it, without writing out every single card choice out again (just link it to the more extensive guide). Read more here.
Example of Litiq's short Handlock guide updated with BRM cards.
Matchup Analysis
These can be bite sized guides that focuses on matchups (usually from 1 point of view). It can be deck vs deck or deck vs class (and the meta decks under that class)
General Theory Guides
Card Evaluation Posts
Beginner Guides
Free to Play Journey / Guides
Smashthings did a survey and collected feedback from the readers. You can check out the article and results.
Quick Summary
• Most of our readers (50%+) have never gotten higher than rank 7
• But self reporting seems to suggest they are all pretty good at Arena: (only 30% claim to average 3 wins, whereas 40% claim to average 4-6 wins.
• It is the goal of most readers (60%) To hit legend just once. So, it seems that we are right to focus on Getting to Legend guides. However, given that most of our readers have Yet to reach rank 5, When creating Legend guides it might be wise to be sensitive to that fact, for example don’t just write about “Ranks 5 –to- Legend”….include advice suitable to the lower ranks as well.
• Most respondents consider our articles high quality and believe they have helped them improve at Hearthstone.
• In terms of content, Meta content is the most in demand thing.
• Interestingly though, the demand for Deck building guides scored only slightly lower than Deck list guides.
• Budget deck guides
• Readers to moderately care whether Authors respond to comments in a timely fashion.
Updated less than a minute ago