Submission Checklist (Important!)
Before you submit your article, go through this checklist!
Use the spelling and grammar checker
The first time a card is mentioned in the article, wrap it around the [card] tag! You may do it multiple times for the same card, but make sure it doesn’t make your guide appear too colorful/busy.
Have an Introduction section, and a Closing Section.
Encourage in the Closing asking the readers to ask questions or leave comments/feedback. Encourage interaction!
Make sure to include your Twitter/Twitch links at the end so your fans can reach you!
Use the Preview function - make sure your article looks good!
While previewing, read through your article and make sure no missing card tooltips and card inserts.
You have a short, appropriate article title.
Enticing excerpt - aim to have around 22 words or less than 120 characters. Write something that makes people want to click through and read your article
Hit 'Save Draft' before you hit 'Submit for Review'
Make sure [toc] tags are left as ‘Paragraph’ styles.
Make sure hard returns aren’t being used (shift+enter). This creates spacing issues.
Make sure there are no empty lines (hitting 'enter' twice)
Make sure [cardinsert], is on it’s alone in its own line. This helps with readability for editing
Please capitalize and use appropriate card names. ie: it's Kel'Thuzad and not KT or kel'thuzad. Ragnaros is acceptable. Raggy is not.
Check your deck list and make sure it has the right number of cards. (View the article in preview mode to count)
Cite/link your source(s). This includes tournaments, deck-lists, reference articles, etc. This increases the credibility/legitimacy of HSP.
Keep your language, word usage, and hyphen usage consistent. If you say it's 2-drops, then use 2-drops through out the article. Don't change to two drops half way through.
Don't use 'dmg' or 'atk', it's 'damage' and 'attack.
Make usage of card inserts and images (use Imgur) in your articles to break up the walls of text.
All game mechanics (i.e. Taunt) should be capitalized.
If you want to add more than one deck list, learn how to do it here!
I'm sure this list will updated/edited often! This checklist exists to help you produce better guides and articles, so hopefully you will refer back to it often!
Call to Actions at End of Articles
Please end your article with some call to actions that users can take. Recommend them to read about specific related articles, leave comments below. If you're talking about tournaments, maybe link some ESL, HearthKings, OpenHS sign up forms. Or maybe leave a tip, or become a Premium member. After all, the more subscribers HSP get, the more we can afford writers and content!
Don't leave your readers hanging and go 'Ok…so what's next?'
Share Your Article!
Once we publish your article, don't be shy about sharing your article - whether it's on Reddit, the official forums or even the Hearthstone Facebook page. Share your knowledge!
Learn more tips about sharing here.
You Have the Power!
Remember! It’s up to you how polished and professional your article looks. We have all the tools you need :) If you think there’s a function/feature/tool that you would like to be added, don’t hesitate to let us know and we can add it in for you. Email us at [email protected]
Updated less than a minute ago