Payment Information

This guide aim to answer some of most common questions about payment and publication of content on HSP. If you have any questions or concerns at anytime, email us at [email protected]

Payment Method

We use Paypal as the method of payment.

How Much Will I Get Paid?

Articles are divided into 2 categories on our site - ‘Public’ and ‘Premium’.

'Public’ Articles

Articles under the ‘Public’ article can be viewed by anyone. We heavily recommend that you share your published guides under 'Public' with your friends, forums and everywhere else! This way not only to get more eye balls (on top of the regular visitors to HSP), but feedback and comments to your articles as well.

The compensation for articles under ‘Public starts at $20 (average). (Be sure to check Content and Quality Expectations and Submission Checklist to get a good idea what a higher paid article consists of). The rate variation is due to each article have varying length and depth. Sometimes an article is light but still useful, and we'd like to be flexible enough to accept those kind of articles while being fair to those who usually write detailed guides. Hence the range of compensation rate. You can even write shorter articles (bite sized). So with the varying degree of length for our articles, our compensation would have a wide range as well.

If you'd like to know a rough estimate of an article, submit the draft to us and we can let you know!

‘Premium’ Articles

These articles are only viewable by Premium members of HSP. Because these articles will require an active membership, please do not share your Premium articles/links to sites like Reddit. Not everyone on Reddit has a membership to our site.

The compensation for articles under ‘Premium’ starts at $30 (average). The varying range is for the same reason stated above. You can also write shorter articles (bite sized) - the pay will also be adjusted accordingly.

You're welcome to inquire how much you can expect to get for the piece once it's been submitted and approved.

When will I get Paid?

Payments go out on the 1st and 15th of each month. There maybe a day or two discrepancy depending on the day of the week those dates land on.

Payments that go out on the 1st will include work published from the 15th to the end of the month.
Payments that go out on the 15th will include work published from the 1st till the 14th.

If Jimmy submitted the guide on the 14th of May and we publish it on the 15th of May, the pay for the article will go to Jimmy on the 1st of June.

How do I know if my guide is ‘Public’ or ‘Premium’?

You, the author, can decide if you want your piece to be under 'Public'. If you are fine with either, then we'll review the article and see if it's a fit under 'Premium'. Guides relating to the meta, deck guides and such, are usually good topics for Premium section.

But please note that as the author of your own guides, you can decide whether you want a specific article that you wrote under the ‘Public’ category. Sometimes contributors would like to share their work on Reddit etc, so they opt for their articles to be under ‘Public’.

Keeping Content Exclusive to Hearthstone Players

We are paying you, the contributor, for exclusiveness of your article/content. That means you are free to share the link to your articles on our site, but not the content itself.

But if you would like to share your content elsewhere, but also keep a copy of the content on our site, you can do that too! You just won’t be compensated for it. Some contributors also opt for this route so it’s a permanent ‘home’ for their content, instead of just a Reddit post.

You just have to let us know upfront and ahead of time.

If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected]